Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for State Service (Pre) exam is as follows :-
► The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► There will be two question paper in this exam of 200 marks each.
► Each paper will carry 100 questions of 02 marks each.
► The time duration for each paper is 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
► Candidates have to attain minimum 40% marks in both paper to be a part of Main Exam. Candidates belong to SC/ST/OBC/PwD have to obtain 30% marks.
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for State Service Preliminary Exam is given below :-
F I R S T P A P E R : G E N E R A L S T U D I E S
- General Science and Environment
Questions on general science and Environment (Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity & Climate Change) will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of every day observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline.
- Current Events of National & International Importance
In current events knowledge of significant National and International level will be tested.
- History of India and Independent India
In History, questions of general knowledge related to social, economic and political aspects will be asked. Also, there will be questions on Indian National Movement and Development of Independent India.
- (a) Geography of India
There will be questions of general knowledge relating to Physical, social and economic geography. It will also include questions on Indian Agriculture and Natural resources. There will be questions pertaining to demography and census of India.
(b) General Geographical awareness of world.
- Indian Polity and Economy
Political system and constitution of the country, Panchayati Raj, social system, sustainable economic development, elections, political parties, plans, industrial development, foreign trade and economic and financial institutions.
- Sports
Important games and sports tournaments, Awards, personalities and Renowned Sports Institutions of M.P., India, Asia and World.
- Geography, History and Culture of M.P.
There will be questions related to the development of Mountains, rivers, climate, Flora and Fauna, Minerals transportation in the Geography of Madhya Pradesh . It will also have questions relating to important dynasties of M.P., Contribution of important dynasties in the Histroy & Culture of Madhya Pradesh, There will be questions on Tribals, Arts, Architecture, Fine Arts and Historical personalities of M.P.
- Polity and Economy of M.P.
Political system, Political parties and elections, Panchayati Raj, Social system and sustainable economic development of M.P.. This will also include questions on Industry, Plans, Economic programmes, business, demography and census of M.P.
- Information and Communication Technology
Questions pertaining to characteristics, uses, and terminologies such as website, online, search engine, e-mail, video mail, chatting, video conferencing, hacking, cracking, virus and cyber crime.
- Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) 1989 (No. 33 of 1989) and the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 (No. 22 of 1955)
- The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.
S E C O N D P A P E R : G E N E R A L A P T I T U D E T E S T
- Comprehension
2.Interpersonal skill including communication skill
3. Logical reasoning and analytical ability
4. Decision making and problem solving
5. General mental ability
6. Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, order of magnitude etc.-Class X level) Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc.-Class X level)
7. Hindi Language Comprehension Skill (Class X level)
Note :- Question relating to Hindi Language Comprehension skill of Class X level will be tested through passages from Hindi language only without providing English Translation thereof in the question paper.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for State Service (Main) exam is as follows :-
► The written test will be subjective type.
► There will be six question paper in this exam.
► There will also be an Interview of 175 marks.
Sr. No.
Time Duration
General Studies-I
03:00 Hours
General Studies-II
03:00 Hours
General Studies-III
03:00 Hours
General Studies-IV
03:00 Hours
General Hindi
03:00 Hours
Hindi Essay Writing
02:00 Hours
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for State Service Mains Exam is given below :-
P A P E R I – G E N E R A L S T U D I E S ( I )
1.1World History- Renaissance, Revolution of England, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution. World War I and II.
1.2Indian History- Political, Economical and Social history of India from Harappa civilization to 10th Century A.D.
1.3 Mugals and their administration, emergence of composite culture, Political, economical and Social history of Central India from 11th to 18th Century A.D.
1.4 Impact of British Rule on Indian economy and society, Indian response to British Rule: Peasant and tribal revolts, The First Struggle of Independence.
1.5 Indian ‘Renaissance: The Freedom, National Movement and its leaders (with special reference to M.P.).
1.6 Emergence of India as a Republic. Reorganization of States, Formation of M.P., Major events of the post independence period.
1.7 Indian Culture, Heritage with special reference to M.P.: Salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature, Festivals & Architecture from ancient to modern times. World Heritage sites in India, Tourism in Madhya Pradesh.
2.1Salient features of physical geography of India and the world,
2.2Distribution of key natural resources, Agro-climatic zones and Industries in M.P.
2.3 Demography of India and M.P., Tribes of Madhya Pradesh with particular reference to vulnerable tribes.
2.4 Agro-ecology and its relevance to man, sustainable management and conservation. Major crops of the state, holdings and cropping patterns, physical and social environment of crop distribution and production. Issues and challenges related with quality and supply of seed, manure, farming practices, horticulture, poultry, dairy, fisheries and animal husbandry etc. agriculture produce, transport, storage and marketing in the state.
Soil : Physical. chemical and biological properties, of Soil process and factors of soil formation, mineral and organic constituents of soil and their role in maintaining soil productivity. Essential plant nutrients and other beneficial elements in soils and plants. Problem soils and their reclamation methods. Problems of soil erosion and Soil degradation in Madhya Pradesh. Soil conservation planning on watershed basis.
2.5 Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance. location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management. Land reforms in India.
- Water Management
3.1Ground water and Watershed management.
3.2Water usage and efficient irrigation systems.
3.3 Drinking Water: supply, factors of impurity of water and quality management.
- Disaster and its management
4.1Man-made and Natural disasters: Concept and scope of disaster management, specific hazards and mitigation.
4.2Community planning: Resource Mapping. Relief & Rehabilitation, preventive and administrative measures, Safe construction, Alternative communication and survival skills.
4.3 Case studies – Chernobyl Atomic Plant Tragedy 1986, Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984, Kutch Earthquake 2001, Indian Tsunami 2004, Fukushima Daiichi Japan Nuclear Disaster 2011, Uttarakhand Flash Flood 2013, Ujjain Tragedy 1994, Allahabad Kumbh Stampede 2013, J & K Flood 2014 etc.
P A P E R I I – G E N E R A L S T U D I E S ( I I )
- The Constitution, the Political and Administrative Structure of Governance.
1.1Constitution drafting committee. The Constitution of India. The Preamble. Basic Structure. Fundamental Rights aid Duties and Directive principles of state policy. Schedules of the Constitution. Constitutional amendments, Comparison of the Indian Constitution with that of other countries.
1.2Centre and State Legislative.
1.3 Centre and State Executive.
1.4 Judiciary – Supreme Cowl. High Court, District and Subordinate Courts, Contempt of Court.
1.5 Nature of the Indian Union. Centre-State Relations, Division of Power (Centre List, State List aid Concurrent List). Distribution of resources.
1.6 Decentralization and peoples participation in Democratic Governance. Local Self Government, 73rd and 74th amendment of Constitution. The Panchayats, the Municipalities. (Rural and Urban Local Governance)
1.7 Lokpal, Lokayukt and Lok Nyayalaya-Judiciary as a watch-dog protecting the Constitutional Order. Judicial Activism, Public Interest Litigation.
1.8 Accountability and Rights :-
Competition Commission, Consumer Courts, Information Commission, Women Commission, Human Rights Commissions, SC/ ST/OBC Commissions, other redressal agencies/authorities. Transparency and Accountability. Right to Information, Right to Services. Utilization of public funds.
1.9 Democracy at work, Political Parties, Political Representation, Citizen Participation in Decision Making.
1.10 Elections, Election Commission, Electoral reforms.
1.11 Emergence of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Non Government Organizations (NGOs); Self Help Groups.
1.12 Issues and role of media (Electronic, Print aid Social)
- Security Issues: External and Internal
- Social & Some Important Legislation:
3.1Indian society, Social Legislation as an instrument of Social Change.
3.2Human Rights Act. 1993
3.3 Protection to Women under: The Constitution of India and Criminal Law (CrPC),
3.4 Domestic Violence (Prevention) Act,
3.5 The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955,
3.6 The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989,
3.7 The Right to Information Act, 2005,
3.8 Environment Protection Act. 1986,
3.9 Consumer Protection Act, 1986,
3.10 Information Technology Act. 2000,
3.11 Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
3.12 Right to Services, Acts.
4- Social Sector- Health, Education & Employment.
4.1 Health services, Preventive and curative health programmes in India/M.P. with an emphasis on children and women’s health.
Issues related to availability of curative health to all. Availability of medicos and paramedics. Health services in rural area.
4.2 Malnutrition, its causes and effects and Govt. programmes for supplementary Nutrition
4.3 The technological interventions in the field of Immunology, Immunization, Family health, Biotechnology, Communicable and non-communicable diseases and remedies.
4.4 Vital statistics
4.5 W.H.O.-Objectives, Structures. functions and its programmes.
5- Education systems.
Education tool of Ilk. development. Universal elementary education. Quality of higher and Technical Education, Vocational Education, issues related to girls education, under privileged classes and differently abled classes.
6- human resource development –
Availability of skilled manpower, employability and productivity of human resource of India, trends of employment, role of institutions like NCHER, NCERT, NIEPA, UGC, Open Universities, AICTE, NCTE, NCVT, ICAR, NITs, NLUs, ITTs, IIMs, Polytechnic and ITIs etc. and human resource development.
7- Welfare programmes –
Welfare programmes and Issues related to- Aged people. Differently able people, Children, Women, Labor, Socially deprived Classes and Displaced groups of developmental projects.
8- Public Services-
Public Services, All India Services, Central Services, State Services, Constitutional Positions; Role and function, nature of function, Union Public Service Commission, M.P. State Public Service Commission. Training and Training Institutions of State and Centre in context of changing governance pattern.
9- Public Expenditure and Accounts-
Control over public Expenditure. Parliamentary control, Estimate Committee. Public Accounts Committee etc. Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Role of Finance Ministry in Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Composition and function of Accountant General of MP.
10- International Organizations-
10.1 UNO and its associate organizations.
10.2 IMF, The World Bank and ADB.
10.3 SAARC. BRICS, other Bilateral and Regional groupings
10.4 WTO and its impact on India.
P A P E R I I I – G E N E R A L S T U D I E S ( I I I )
- Science
1.1Matter in our surroundings, Elements. Compounds, Mixtures, Metals and Non-metals, Carbon and its compounds, Molecules, Atoms, Structure of atom, Chemical reactions. Acids, Bases and salts.
1.2Organism. Types of organisms, Tissues, Fundamental unit of life Cell, Life processes. Metabolism, Control and Coordination, Reproduction, heredity and evolution.
1.3 Gravitation. Motions, Force, Laws of Motion, Work and energy, Light, Sound. Electricity and Magnetism.
- Reasoning and Data Interpretation
2.1Basic numeracy and Statistics (numbers and their relations), probability.
2.2Data handling and Interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc.).
2.3 Ratio and Proportion, Unitary method, Profit and Loss, Percentage, Discount, Simple and Compound Interest.
2.4 Mensuration : Area, Perimeter Volume.
2.5 Logical reasoning. Analytical ability and Problem solving.
- Technology
3.1Applications of science and Technology in Social and Economic development. Indigenous technology, Transfer of technology and dc eloping new Technologies.
3.2Patents and Intellectual Property Rights. (TRIPS & TRIMS).
3.3 Contribution of Indians in the field of Science and Technology.
- Emerging Technologies
4.1Emerging technologies like Information arid Communication Technology, Remote sensing. Space, GIS, GPS, Bio technology, Nano technology: their application in the field of Agriculture and allied sectors, Health, E-Governance, Transport, Spatial Planning, Housing, Sports etc.
- Energy
5.1Conventional and Non-Conventional sources of energy.
5.2Energy Management: Issues and challenges.
5.3 Current status of alternative sources of energy and their future prospects.
- Environment and Sustainable Development
6.1Environmental degradation: its causes, effects and remedies.
6.2Environment protection laws, Policies and regulatory framework.
6.3 The Environment — development debate.
6.4 Solid, Effluent. Sewer, Medical, Hazardous and c-waste management.
6.5 Climate change: Causes and Remedial measures.
6.6 Ecological Prints and coping strategies.
- Indian Economy :-
7.1Development Experience of India.
7.2Causes of low Industrialization in MP.
7.3 Economic reforms since 1991: industrial and Financial sector reforms, stock market and Banking systems.
7.4 Liberalization. Privatization and Globalization.
7.5 Current trends and challenges in the Indian Economy.
7.6 Development planning in India.
7.7 National Income and Accounting System.
7.8 Infrastructural development and issues,
7.9 Poverty, Unemployment. Regional Imbalances and Migration
7.10 Urban issues, Urban development (social and economic infrastructure and Housing for Low Income Groups.
7.11 Rural issues. Rural development (Social and economic infrastructure) and Rural Credit.
7.12 Indicator of development, Human development & Economic development.
7.13 Co-operative movement in India and M.P.
7.14 Importance of agriculture in M.P. and Indian economy.
7.15 Factors of economic development.
7.16 Issues of Direct and Indirect Subsidy for farm sector and other social sectors.
7.18 Public Distribution System : Objective, Functioning. Limitation, Issues of Buffer Stock and Food Security.
P A P E R I V – G E N E R A L S T U D I E S ( I V )
1- Human needs and motivation
Ethics and Values in Public Administration: Ethical elements in governance — integrity, accountability and transparency, ethical reasoning and moral dilemmas, conscience as sources of ethical guidance. code of conduct for civil servants, values in governance.
2- Philosophers/Thinkers, Social workers/Reformers :-
Mahavir, Buddha, Kautilya, Plato, Aristotle, Gurunanak, Kabir, Tulsidas, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Sri Aurobindo, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Deen Dayal Uppadhyaya, Ram Manohar Lohiya etc.
3- Attitude :
Content, elements, function; Formation of attitude, attitudinal change, persuasive communication, Prejudice and discrimination, Stereotypes in Indian context.
4- Aptitude –
Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service, integrity, impartiality and non-partisanship, objectivity, dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker-sections.
5- Emotional intelligence-
Emotional intelligence-concepts, their utilities and application in Administration and Governance.
6- Corruption:
Types and Causes of corruption, effects of corruption, approaches to minimizing corruption- role of society, media, family, whistleblower, UN Convention on Corruption, measuring Corruption; Transparency International etc.
7- Case studies – based on the contents on the syllabus.
P A P E R V – G E N E R A L H I N D I
(क) पल्लवन, संधि व समास
(1) दिए गए वाक्यों का व्यापक अर्थ (शब्द-सीमा 50 शब्द)
(२) संधि, समास व विराम चिन्ह
(ख) संक्षेपण
(ग) प्रारूप लेखन- शासकीय व अर्धशासकीय पत्र, परिपत्र, प्रपत्र, विज्ञापन, आदेश, पृष्ठांकन, अनुस्मारक (स्मरण पत्र), अधिसूचना, टिप्पण लेखन – (कोई दो)
(घ) प्रयोग, शब्दावली तथा प्रारंभिक व्याकरण
(1) प्रशासनिक पारिभाषिक शब्दावली (हिंदी व अंग्रेजी)
(2) मुहावरे अथवा कहावतें
(3) विलोम शब्द एवं समानार्थी शब्द
(4) तत्सम-तद्भव शब्द
(5) पर्यायवाची शब्द
(6) शब्द युग्म
(१) निबंध लेखन (300 शब्द)
(२) प्रतिवेदन- (प्रशासनिक, विधि, पत्रकारिता, साहित्य व सामाजिक)
(च) अनुवाद (वाक्यों का)
हिंदी से अंग्रेजी एवं अंग्रेजी से हिंदी
P A P E R V I – H I N D I E S S A Y W R I T I N G
1- First Essay (about 1000 words) – 50 Marks
2- Second Essay (about 250 words) – 25 Marks
3- Third Essay (about 250 words) – 25 Marks
for more information(PDF)