UPSC-2018 Notification out
- It is same as last year. Minimum age is 21 years.
- Age is counted on 1st August of 2018. i.e. you must not be born later than 1st August 1997.
- Candidate already in IAS or Indian foreign service (IFS)- not eligible to appear.
Category | Maximum Age | Attempt |
General | 32 | 6 [must not be born before 2nd August 1986] |
OBC | 32+3=35 | 9 |
SC/ST | 32+5=37 | till upper age |
Physically disabled (Blind, Deaf-mute, Orthopedic) | 32+10=42 |
J&K domicile | 32+5=37 | depending on above categories (Gen, OBC, SC/ST, PH) |
Disabled serviceman discharged from duty | 32+3=35 | same as above |
Ex-serviceman with five years duty * specific condition on page2 of notification | 32+5=37 | same as above |
Above relaxation are cumulative e.g. OBC candidate from J&K = 32 + 3(OBC) + 5 (J&K) = 40 years up age limit. What doesn’t count as an attempt?
- Ans. If you applied in previous exam, but remain absent in BOTH prelim papers, then your attempt is not counted.
- If you fail in prelims, attempt is counted.
- read more:http://www.upsc.gov.in/whats-new/Civil%20Services%20%28Preliminary%29%20Examination%2C%202018/Exam%20Notification