Q1. Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Unity Day has been introduced recently to commemorate Patel’s birth anniversary. Examine the role played by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in post Independence India in the building a new nation.

                                                                                                                                                                                        (GS PAPER-1)

It can be say that variously hailed as the Iron Man of India, Mahatma’s Muscle Man, Lenin of Bardoli, Chanakya-cum-Bismarck and savior and architect of New India. 

Sardar vallabh bhai patel was credited with the integration of the country and avoid the balkanization of the new born country as expected.

1) Political Domain - He played an important role in unification of India as Home minister by princely states and rebel provinces by assimilating through different politcal strategies like annexation,accession ,dialogue etc.for example junagarh,hyderabad were assimilated in india

2)Social Domain-He also organised relief camps for refugees in punjab and delhi.

3)Religious Domain- he also played important role in strengthing religious harmony and extended his support for reconstruction of somnath temple etc.

4)Economic domain-He played a key role in farmers and milk producers to form the coperative milk societies etc.for ex, Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd.

5)Economic Domain- Patel was not for nationalisation of industries and was of the view that those who are capable of taking industrial growth forward must be allowed to do so. He was a major driving force behind the liberal industrial policy resolution of 1948. This was not taken as Nehru was a socialist who chose nationalisation.

6)Strategical  Domain-Patel saw the danger of China’s occupancy of Tibet and called for road connectivity, strengthening of North-East India; invest in boosting the frontier force.

7) Administrative Domain-Being called as 'father of Indian civil service', Patel played a major role in protecting the rights of civil service officers who were previously working under british raj.(considered as sympathizer of Britishers) For example: He boosted confidence in VP Menon, secretary to viceroy, when latter was reluctant to work in administration after independence.

8) Avoided confrontation with Nehru and open dissidence-Even though both were contrasting personalities, Patel avoided open confrontation and showing dissidence between foremost ministers when India needed it the most.

9) Constitutional Domain- Patel was the chairman of the committees responsible for minorities, tribal and excluded areas, fundamental rights and provincial constitutions Patel piloted a model constitution for the provinces in the Assembly, which contained limited powers for the state governor, who would defer to the President.He worked closely with Muslim leaders to end separate electorates. Even his intervention was key to the passage of two articles that protected civil servants from political involvement and guaranteed their terms and privilege

However, Maulana azad criticized Patel for inciting partition. According to him, patel harsh attitude in dealing with muslims sowed the seeds of partition. He was also criticized by socialist like jai prakash narayan for his inclination towards capitalism. Patel is criticised by supporters of Subhas Chandra Bose for acting coercively to put down politicians not supportive of Gandhi. He is also said to be harsh against riot plotters.

Hence, despite all criticism, Sardar vallabh bhai patel 's legacy can't be forgotten due to immense contributions during both pre independence and post independence and to celebrate that annual commemoration of Patel, known as the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day), was introduced by the Government of India in 2014 and is to be held annually on his birthday, 31 October.





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